
Interactive multi-user live maps

The augmented reality location engine and social network with integrated scene editor

Learn more

Create a session or open the scene editor

Create multi-stage scenes and narratives and share them with friends

Enable GPS sensor
Enable Compass/Tilt Sensor


Maplio supports a wide range of activities across retail, leisure and business sectors

  • Self guided tours
  • Interactive games
  • Augmented reality adversiting and information beacons
  • Non-digital busines promotions
  • Freight and vehicle management
  • Large scale event management

Current Features

  • AR view activates on phone tilt
  • Easy QR coode and social network scene and session sharing
  • Highly Accurate 360 °user direction tracking and sharing
  • Highly Accurate GPS tracking and sharing
  • Realtime action and object sharing with directional capablities
  • Visit, collect, drop and swap digital items
  • Engage in whatsapp style chat with other users
  • Create NCP variants with different behaviours
  • Visitable multimedia interactive static locations (beacons)
  • Interactive composite multi-stage scenes
  • QR codes for drop-in game access at specific locations
  • Game mode
Read the full roadmap and development notes

Works in progress

  • Define narratives, stories and content for immersive user experiences
  • Create games and join teams to compete against and collaborate with friends
  • Publish high level game template to enable users to create GPS enabled activities
  • Publish low level APIs to enable developers to create templates
  • Create "playzones" to constrain activiities within geopgraphical boundaries (e.g. parks)
Read the full roadmap and development notes

Proof of Concept features

  • Integrate directional data into AR view
  • Integrate simple rotating 3D objects into AR view
  • P2P webrtc video chat
  • Interactive geo-board game

Future roadmap

This is a small representation of the work required to fully realise Maplio

See the roadmap for more details

  • Convert to a mobile app and distribute on multiplatform web stores
  • Performance analysis, enhancement and generate scaleability roadmap
  • Role based multi-factor authentication and authorisation
  • Add paywalls for extended features and authoring capabilities
  • Sell advertising space and provide various levels of ad-free engagement for a subscription charge
  • 3D object rendering and realtime interactions
  • 3D tiltable maps with interactive 3D landscapes
  • Scaling maps to support thousands of concurrent users

Prototype technical details

  • Maplio uses Next 14, Leaflet and Nest socket gateways
  • Secure encrypted communications by default
  • Industry standard user and access management
  • All Syntapse servers run in secure Docker containers

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Brief introduction to Maplio

Maplio: The realtime location engine and social network.

Maplio is a proof of concept platform enabling a wide variety of multi-user realtime location based activities for leisure, retail and business.

If "pacman in the park" and "IRL zombie survival" sound like potentially fun activities for your mobile platform please have a quick read through the investment deck..._


  • Maplio is intended to be a real-time location based social network allowing users and players to interact with each-other and explore fixed and mobile digital objects in their immediate location.
  • The vision for Maplio was conceived during the first UK lockdown of 2020 as a mobile version of multiplayer games such as Roblox or Minecraft that could allow younger players to take their gaming outdoors and connect in parks and other open spaces to play games and engage with other augmented reality content.
  • It is a Javascript (not Typescript) project in its current form though provides the basis for examining a number of interesting features

Proof of concept

A working proof of concept is available at here. This started as an aid to learning realtime React and sockets and is (i) not production code, (ii) not typesafe, (iii) using props injection for shared component state. For these reasons it is useful as it is but will not be developed further.


The next stage of development will be to develop a prototype using Next 14+ and Redux. The Javascipt POC slows down significantly when there are a large amount of artefacts on screen and this is almost certainly due to inherent inefficiencies sharing state via props injection.

The future

  • Montezing location data for fun and profit
  • Generating play-zones in real areas for general use.
  • Partnering with business and sponsors to incentivize completion of map based activities.
  • Integrating with existing map based APIs e.g. route planners

Create a session or open the scene editor

Create multi-stage scenes and narratives and share them with friends

Enable GPS sensor
Enable Compass/Tilt Sensor